How CBD Hemp Oil Deal With Depression
It is currently unclear how CBD treats anxiety. Several studies have demonstrated that it may function by altering serotonin levels in the brain.According to research, increasing serotonin levels can aid in the treatment of anxiety. Can CBD aid in depression treatment? There is evidence that hemp oil cbd may aid in the treatment of depression. However, there have been few human studies. To definitively state, additional research is necessary.By altering serotonin levels, researchers believe CBD may treat depression and anxiety. What do scientific studies say about CBD and anxiety? Numerous studies have investigated hemp oil CBD as a treatment for anxiety due to its rising popularity. According to a 2011 study, CBD reduced anxiety and discomfort during public speaking in social anxiety disorder patients. In a 2011 study, CBD was found to reduce anxiety symptoms in individuals with social anxiety disorder. Unfortunately, because the FDA does not monitor these...